Wieliczka Salt Mine – Heart of Kraków

Questions and Answers

Immerse Yourself in the Unique Atmosphere of a Wedding at Wieliczka Salt Mine’s UNESCO
World Cultural and Natural Heritage Site.


Getting married in Wieliczka Salt Mine with 5 Events

Are weddings in Poland legal?

Yes. We have organized over 1500 weddings worldwide since 2010 and can boast a 100% success rate in terms of the legality of events organized under Polish, international, and canonical law. For any doubts or legally demanding weddings we are here for you. We consult on wedding legal matters to achieve the designated goal – your dream wedding in Wieliczka Salt Mine while ensuring its legality.

Does the offer only apply to organizing weddings in Poland or also to wedding receptions?

We can provide all additional services you may be interested in. Whether tourist, wedding-related, or everything needed for the wedding and reception. From the reception, DJ, or other musical arrangements to makeup, hairstyling, transportation, decorations, photographer, videographer, additional attractions, and many other services to fulfill your dreams.

Does 5 EVENTS handle decoration arrangements?

Yes. Our consultants will assist in organizing decorations for your dream wedding. We tailor decorations to your chosen style, budget, and individual needs and preferences to create a unique setting. You can see the diversity in our work on our website (gallery) and social media.

What is the total cost of a wedding in Wieliczka Salt Mine?

After signing the wedding contract, you will receive a preliminary cost estimate, which will be modified as you make decisions. The total cost of a wedding in the Wieliczka Salt Mine comprises many elements, including the wedding package, rental of chambers for the ceremony and reception, menu, official fees, as well as logistical aspects, beauty services, photo and video sessions, musical arrangements, decorations, and much more.

Can we book a hotel through 5 EVENTS?

Yes. As a tourism organizer operating in accordance with Polish and international law, we have permission to organize tourism in Poland and worldwide (Permit No. Z/30/2010 of the Register of Tourism Organizations and Tourist Agents of the Marshal of the Małopolska Region). We can create packages combining various tourism services and additional services into a complete event. We offer our couples flexibility in choosing the type, standard, and duration of their stay. We assist in selecting packages by sending hotels most frequently chosen by our couples.

Can we choose any wedding date that suits us?

We always need to check the availability of selected chambers and confirm the date with the local office and/or parish.

We've decided on an intimate wedding for two. Do we need witnesses?

Yes, witnesses are required. However, don’t worry – we will organize them if necessary. Usually, witnesses for an intimate wedding for two, known as Elopement, are the wedding consultant and photographer.

How far in advance should we start organizing a wedding in the Wieliczka Salt Mine?

Considering formal and administrative matters, organizing a wedding in the mine is possible even three months in advance. However, it’s advisable to start planning a year before the planned wedding date to book additional services, invite guests, and prepare for this special day stress-free.


Wedding contract and payments

How do we sign the wedding contract?

The wedding contract is signed electronically through the Autenti system. Both of you will receive an email with a link that will take you to the system, where you can review the document and then easily add your electronic signatures. There is no need to print or send paper versions.

Do we have to pay the full amount for the wedding package immediately?

No. Payment for the package and individual services is divided. Payments are usually divided into two or three parts over time. The deposit for our wedding package typically does not exceed 30%. The initial payment also includes the fee for the minimum rental time of the chambers (i.e., 1-2h chamber rentals for the ceremony and 2 hours for the wedding reception) and menu set 1. At a later date, you will be able to extend the rental hours for the wedding reception chambers and modify the menu by paying for your chosen menu option.


Civil wedding

What does a civil wedding look like in the Wieliczka Salt Mine?

The ceremony is conducted by a representative of the local civil authorities and lasts 10-20 minutes. The official conducts the ceremony in Polish, while a sworn translator – required by law – will translate it into English for you. After the official part, there’s time for emotions, toasts, and group photos.

Can we have a civil wedding in the Chapel of St. Kinga?

The Chapel of St. Kinga is a consecrated place, and only religious weddings in the Roman Catholic rite are possible there. The most commonly chosen chambers for civil weddings are the Michałowice Chamber, Drozdowice III, or Jan Haluszka I.


Religious wedding

What is the difference between a church wedding and a concordat wedding?

A church wedding is a religious ceremony without legal consequences. The couple separately contracts a civil marriage before the church wedding (in exceptional cases, with the consent of church authorities, the order maybe different). In the church weddings we propose at the Wieliczka Salt Mine, a civil marriage certificate must be attached to the documents. On the other hand, a concordat wedding is a religious ceremony that, due to a specific agreement between state and church authorities, also has legal consequences. For a concordat wedding, both civil and church documents must be prepared, and the couple is married both in the eyes of civil and church law.

What does a church wedding look like at the Wieliczka Salt Mine?

Roman Catholic church weddings usually take place in the Chapel of St. Kinga and are officiated by an English-speaking priest. However, upon your request, we can try to find a priest speaking in other languages. Due to the fact that the Chapel of St. Kinga is located on a tourist route, the Mass can only begin after the last tourist group has passed, usually in the evening. Some couples choose to combine the ceremony in one of the many churches in Wieliczka or Krakow with a wedding reception in a selected chamber in the Wieliczka Salt Mine.


Required documents
for the wedding

What documents do we need for a wedding abroad?

Depending on the type of wedding chosen (civil/religious/concordat), you will need civil, religious, or both types of documents accordingly. In each of our wedding packages, one of the services is guiding you through all the formalities. Your consultant will provide you with a list of required documents for your case and guide you through the entire process of obtaining them, suggesting the most effective methods. If you encounter any problems obtaining the documents, we are here to assist you with our experience since 2010.

When do we need to provide the necessary wedding documents?

Generally, wedding documents, both civil and religious, are required 90-40 days before the wedding. Initially, you will send us scans of the required documents so that we can begin translating them. You will bring the originals with you at least 31 day before the wedding, when you will need to complete formalities at the local registry office/parish.


Personal data (GDPR)

Who processes our personal data?

The Data Controller is Lidia Wandas-Wilczura, conducting business under the name “5 EVENTS Lidia Wandas-Wilczura”. You can contact the Data Controller via email at lidia@slubzagranica.info or by phone at 609 424 478.

What data will we need to provide to 5 EVENTS?

All the data we request is necessary for the fulfillment of the contract. These will include: names and surnames, dates and places of birth, contact details, as well as marital status, citizenship, declarations of surnames adopted after marriage (including the surname for future children), religion, and occupation. It will also be necessary to provide documents required for the wedding – civil/church documents and scanned copies of ID or passports.

Is providing data necessary?

Providing data is voluntary but necessary for the performance of the service under the contract concluded between us. If the data is not provided, we will not be able to perform the service of organizing your wedding. Therefore, providing us with data and processing it is a condition for concluding the contract and performing the service.

Why are scanned copies of ID/passports necessary for wedding organization?

ID or passports are necessary for submitting documents to the local office that will perform the wedding. This document is required for identification and must also be presented to the official during the ceremony.